National college of
music & arts

The Wonderful Music Star Early Years Medals are designed to help very young children aged two to six to explore the wonderful world of music through the varieties of musical skills.
This assessment encourages the young children to develop confidence and a sense of achievement. It is fun and an engaging way to make music through a series of creative components such as music movement and singing, music map and story, rhythm movement/inner hearing, chime bar playing and ensemble performance.
This Wonderful Music Star Early Years Certificate can be assessed in group or solo performance. The candidates would present their performance in the exam centre, or their own school or by video submission.
The National College of Music and Arts provides different levels of medals: Bronze, Silver and Gold. The objective of the Wonderful Music Star Early Years Award is to encourage and promote music creativity and engagement among these young children, by adopting a synergy concept and using systematic learning materials. This will soon lead to a more solid foundation for their instrumental learning. This syllabus will also lead the young children to larger scale performances in their chime bars ensembles.
SYLLABUS COMPONENTS: (Just select ONE Lesson Unit)
- Singing and Activity
- Music Map and Story
- Ear Listening (Perform steady beat along with the music or rhythm dictation)
- Chime Bars Instruments
- Colouring Activity
- This syllabus is valid from 1 September 2021 until further notice.
- After completion of the Wonderful Music Stars assessments of Intermediate Level, candidates are encouraged to proceed to the group or solo based Graded Piano Exams.
- Solo or Group Level: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced
- Only one Teacher or Parent is allowed to enter the exam room with each candidate. (own choice)
- 5-10 minutes performance
- Teacher or Parent led performance is permitted
- Use of proper props, masks
- Use of puppets
- Suitable costume to accommodate the needs of the songs
Basic Level (recommended for age 2):
- Choose ONE component from WMS syllabus or the assessment.
Singing and Activity
- Sing a song from the Wonderful Music Star syllabus from memory (with or without accompaniment). Movement, gestures may be included in the performance.
- Duration: 5 minute
- Teacher or Parent led (own choice)
Intermediate Level (recommended for age 3 & 4))
- Choose TWO components from WMS syllabus.
Singing and Activity and choose one other component from:
Ear Listening or Music Map or Colouring Activity for the assessment.
- Sing a song from the Wonderful Music Star syllabus. Sing from memory (with accompaniment). Movement, gestures may be included in the performance. Also, for the Ear Listening section, candidates are required to perform a steady beat activity using percussion instruments such as castanets, woodblock or similar with the music accompaniment.
- Duration: 8-10 minute
- Teacher or Parent Led (own choice)
Advance Level (recommended for age 5 & 6)
- Choose THREE components from WMS syllabus (Singing and Activity) and CHIME BARS, and choose ONE components as below:Music Map OR Ear Listening or Colouring Activity
- Sing a song from the Wonderful Music Star syllabus. Sing from memory (with accompaniment). Movement, gestures may be included in the performance. Also, candidates are required to perform a steady beat activity using percussion instruments such as castanets, or woodblock or similar with the music accompaniment.
- Duration: 10-15 minute
- Teacher led (own choice)
- Accuracy (15%)
Candidates should be able to sing along with the backing track with correct rhythm and with reasonably accurate intonation. OR
Candidates should be able to perform accurately on the chime bars in time with the CD OR
Candidates should be able to keep a steady, accurate beat with the backing track
- Costumes (10%)
Suitable use of props, masks and costumes is required to enhance the performance
- Expression (15%)
Evidence of enjoyment, mimicking and dramatic expression is expected during the performance of the song. In addition, the playing of a musical instrument and appropriate musical movement should be incorporated in the performance.
- Teacher or Parent Involvement (10%)
Evidence of enjoyment, mimicking and dramatic expression is expected during the performance of the song. In addition, the playing of a musical instrument and appropriate musical movement should be incorporated in the performance.
- Each assessment will have a written report from the respective examiner.
- Only ONE parent or teacher is allowed to enter the examination venue with each child.
- Examinations may be submitted via video format (youtube link or mp3 file) where the recording is done at home, the centre or the school. Each video should be submitted to: [email protected]
- Live face-to-face examinations should be held at the school or music centre or kindergarten, details of which should be included in the exam registration form requesting approval for the exam. Examiners and dates will be arranged at the mutual convenience of examiners and applicants.